University of Arizona Presidential Candidate Announced

Aug. 8, 2024

The Arizona Board of Regents announced today that Dr. Suresh Garimella is a candidate for the position of the 23rd president of the University of Arizona.    

The U of A Search Advisory Committee has met numerous times over the last five months vetting all prospects informed by the feedback provided by the community. Throughout the search, the board and committee engaged community members and stakeholders during 19 listening tour sessions, dozens of individual meetings, three public town halls, and through emails and a campuswide survey that included feedback from more than 4,200 students, employees and community members. In addition, committee members have connected with their networks and constituencies throughout the process.   

Dr. Garimella is the President of the University of Vermont who has led with a bold vision and thoughtful financial discipline, more than doubled the university’s research enterprise, and strengthened state and community relationships. Dr. Garimella, a professor of mechanical engineering, is a highly cited scholar and researcher. He continues to focus on teaching and student mentorship even as president, annually leading an undergraduate seminar class in civil discourse and continuing to supervise Ph.D. students. Prior to UVM, Dr. Garimella was executive vice president of research and partnerships and a distinguished professor at Purdue University, helping build the university’s research enterprise and its online footprint and diversifying its funding sources. 
The board will interview Dr. Garimella on Friday, Aug. 9, from 7-9 a.m. After the candidate’s interview in executive session, the board may reconvene in public session which will be available via livestream and posted on the board’s YouTube channel in the following days.

Comments on the search may be sent to

Additional Information

•    Learn more about Dr. Garimella.
•    Presidential search community feedback. 
•    Presidential Search Advisory Committee.
•    Arizona Board of Regents YouTube channel.

This email was sent to: all faculty, staff, designated campus colleagues (DCCs) and students.